Darrell Davis KT4WX, Section Manager of the ARRL West Central Florida Section, has appointed Jim Peterson AF2W as the Net Manager for the ARRL West Central Florida Section Technical Net.  Peterson succeeds Burt Wizeman K4SRQ, who recently stepped down as Net Manager due to work and family commitments.

Davis made the following comments about the appointment of Peterson as Net Manager of the ARRL West Central Florida Technical Net, “Jim has extensive experience as net control, net manager, and also served on numerous occasions as NCS for the WCF Technical Net over the last year.  Jim will make an excellent net manager for the WCF Section Technical Net.”

Peterson was first licensed in March of 1993 as KC2BGJ and soon upgraded to General and Extra class.  Peterson then applied for and was granted the callsign of K2CSS, which stands for the first letter of the names of his three children, Catlin KC2OAR, Shannon, and Steven. Peterson became involved in the National Traffic System, serving as net control for several nets and then served as the Section Traffic Manager for the ARRL Eastern New York Section.  Peterson was also involved with his local ARES/RACES group, participating in helping with communications for several public service events including the Empire State Games.  Peterson assisted with communications for the American Red Cross in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attack on New York City.  After relocating to Florida a few years ago, Peterson became involved in the Eagle Net, the NTS traffic net for the ARRL West Central Florida Section, and soon after became the Thursday evening NCS and an Assistant Net Manager.  Peterson after relocating to Florida also applied and was granted his current callsign of AF2W

Peterson in his professional career has worked as an elevator adjuster, which involves providing programming and technical support for elevator maintenance, for 30 years.  Peterson has been married to his wife Tara N2CSS for 28 years and has three children:  Caitlin KC2OAR an army veteran and registered nurse, Shannon who is a medical receptionist and currently in college, and Stephen who is a dispatcher for the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office.