Hurricane Matthew, although slightly weakened, is still a Category 3 hurricane with sustained winds of 120 miles per hour, is now heading northwest at 12 miles per hour. Matthew crossed the west coast of Haiti and the southeastern edge of Cuba yesterday and last night and is now approaching the southern Bahamas. Matthew is now directly influenced by the mid Atlantic ridge and has already started the journey around the edge of his high pressure. At 1100 this morning a Hurricane Warning is now in effect for the coastal counties from Broward County up through Volusia County. A Hurricane Watch is issued for the coastal counties from Flagler County to the Florida/Georgia state line. A Tropical Storm Warning is now in effect for the interior counties of Sumter, Lake, Polk, Highlands, Glades, Hendry, and Monroe County, east of Seven Mile Bridge, including Florida Bay. The government has Hurricane Warnings in effect for nearly all the Bahamas except the extreme southeast Bahamas.
Darrell Davis KT4WX, Section Manager, has already been in communication with ARRL Headquarters Staff concerning the response to Hurricane Matthew. At this time and unless the forecast track changes, the most impacted counties in the West Central Florida Section will be Polk and Highlands Counties.
All amateurs are asked to continue to monitor the latest advisories, watches, and warnings issued by the National Hurricane Center (http://www.nhc.noaa.gov) and to the National Weather Service Office in Ruskin (http://www.weather.gov/tbw) for any Local Hurricane Statements or other watches or warning that may be issued. All amateur should rush any preparations to completion, check their hurricane supplies, and check their radio equipment. All ARES members in the West Central Florida Section should stay in communication with their local ARES Emergency Coordinator, particularly in Polk and Highlands Counties. All amateurs involved with CERT should be in contact with their respective leadership.
A brief special session of the West Central Florida Section ARES Net has been scheduled at 2000 this evening on the NI4CE Repeater System for the ARES Emergency Coordinators and Assistant Section Emergency Coordinators to exchange information and coordinate response for communications to our served agencies.