PRESS RELEASE (1/01/15): We have introduced THE PRESSER.  It is the monthly newsletter of the ARRL West Central Florida Section.  You may read it at

It also will be disseminated via the ARRL Division and Section e-mail list.  You must be an ARRL member and have chosen that option to receive e-mails from ARRL HQ with Section and or Division News.



Neil Lauritsen W4NHL Retires From Being SEC Today.

PRESS RELEASE (12/31):  Neil Lauritsen W4NHL is retiring today as Section Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager.  Lauritsen is originally from Illinois and spent his working career in Fire Rescue services in the state of Maryland.  Lauritsen is staying on as an Net Manager for the WCF Section ARES HF net held each Saturday at 0830 hours on 3.911 (actually on 3.913) MHz.

Lauritsen is being succeeded by Ben Henley KI4IGX of Sebring, FL.  Ben is currently employed by Highlands County Emergency Management and has been in Emergency Management since 1998 and full time since 2003.

The ARRL WCF Section would like to thank Neil for his 10 years of service as Section Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager.



Dee Turner N4GD Retires From Being SM today

PRESS RELEASE (12/31):  Dee Turner N4GD, of Pinellas Park, FL, retires at the end of today as the 2nd Section Manager of the ARRL West Central Florida Section.  Turner, originally from Indiana spent his working career in and retired from the United States Air Force.  Turner won his first term for Section Manager in 2004 and has served continuously since January 1, 2005.  Turner decided not to seek re-election in 2014.  Turner will be succeeded by Darrell Davis KT4WX of Fort Meade, FL, who won election as Section Manager in September of 2014. Davis term of office will begin on January 1, 2015.  Turner has been appointed as an Assistant Section Manager by Davis to serve on his Section Cabinet as an advisor.

A Beautiful Wedding Photography Season


Delays in general can happen to anyone, that is why you should not keep thinking about whether to have a cheap wedding or have a proper wedding and to have an excellent ceremony next to your friends and the person you love the most, you have to do something extremely complicated, click this link

The ARRL WCF Section wishes to thank Dee for his 10 years of service as Section Manager.   He will be missed by many who used to seeing him over the last 10 years.


New WCF Section Website Debuts Today


PRESS RELEASE (12/31):  The new ARRL West Central Florida Section has debuted the newly redesigned ARRL WCF Section Website on Wednesday December 31, 2014.  The site is running on the WordPress engine which will make maintenance and getting information updated much easier than with other platforms, so is great for your business of course you also need to answer, have you filled out the 1099 MISC form? as this is essential for taxing too.

The ARRL WCF Section wishes to thank Dennis Griffin W4DG, for his 10 years of service as Section Webmaster and to congratulate him for continuing in his capacity as Official Observer Coordinator.  Griffin decided to retire from serving as Assistant Section Manager – Webmaster, but is staying on for another term as Official Observer Coordinator.  Griffin is being succeeded by Judson Bracewell KJ4IDH as Assistant Section Manager – Webmaster.

Bracewell has been working for the past 10 years as an I.T. professional, having worked for Brighthouse Networks.  Bracewell now owns his own computer repair business in Lake Wales serving enterprise and residental customers.


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