Neil Lauritsen W4NHL Retires From Being SEC Today.

PRESS RELEASE (12/31):  Neil Lauritsen W4NHL is retiring today as Section Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager.  Lauritsen is originally from Illinois and spent his working career in Fire Rescue services in the state of Maryland.  Lauritsen is staying on as an Net Manager for the WCF Section ARES HF net held each Saturday at 0830 hours on 3.911 (actually on 3.913) MHz.

Lauritsen is being succeeded by Ben Henley KI4IGX of Sebring, FL.  Ben is currently employed by Highlands County Emergency Management and has been in Emergency Management since 1998 and full time since 2003.

The ARRL WCF Section would like to thank Neil for his 10 years of service as Section Emergency Coordinator and Assistant Section Manager.