On Sunday February 21, 2021, Mike Douglas W4MDD appointed Steve Maslin NS4M to be the new ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for the ARRL West Central Florida Section. Maslin succeeds Douglas, who had served as ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for the ARRL West Central Florida Section from October 2017 through December 2020.
Douglas had the following to say concerning the appointment of Maslin as ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator, “Stephen has been appointed, as my successor, Affiliated Club Coordinator. Stephen is also President of the Brandon Amateur Radio Society. Please give Stephen a very warm welcome in his new position with WCF.”
Maslin was originally licensed as Technician class in 1993 as N3ORH in Southeastern Pennsylvania and had spent much of his youth, before being licensed, hanging around the Mid-Atlantic Amateur Radio Club (MARC) along with his father (N3EA ex-W3DZI) who was a founding member of MARC, helping at their Hamfests and VE sessions. After becoming licensed, Maslin became a full member of the MARC and then served as President of the MARC. Maslin has also served as ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator for the Eastern Pennsylvania Section. Maslin relocated to Florida in 2007 and was promised an HF rig by his father if he upgraded to General class. In 2018, Maslin upgraded to General class, shortly afterward upgraded to Extra class, and was given an ICOM-7000 by his father. Maslin also helped two of his children become licensed and they now hold the callsigns of N4HMM and K4HMM. In 2019, Maslin obtained his current callsign of NS4M.
Maslin currently serves as an ARRL VE, and is currently the President for the Brandon Amateur Radio Society, in Hillsborough County just east of Tampa.]